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Jeg har ikke skrevet længe. Mine sidste posts er fra sidste år. Her rejste jeg til Bali, tog min yogalæreruddannelse, mødte fantastiske mennesker, lærte utroligt meget og følte utroligt meget. Det var fantastisk at komme hjem til min mand, mine drenge og familie igen. Mærke at her har jeg hjemme. Siden har jeg undervist i yoga forskellige steder. Jeg har mødt mange mennesker, liv og kroppe. Jeg har mødt tillid, glæde, styrke og hjælpsomhed. Jeg glæder mig til hver klasse. Og som det gælder for alle uddannelser, finder meget af læringen først sted efter den formelle uddannelse er slut. Nok er jeg lærer, men jeg er for evigt studerende, undersøgende og nysgerrig på hele denne yoga-verden.

Bending over backwards

"Have anything changed for you since your yoga teacher's training?", a colleauge asked #yesterday. Ehem, well, yes! But still the question was #difficult to #answer. It is not as much "what" has changes, but "how" things have changed. How I have changed. I am not sure if people around me #feel changes in me - apart from the fact that I talk #yoga every change I get. My #relation to (some) things has altered. My relation to who I am has become a more #peaceful one.  I have found out that I have #bountiful life. We have a bountiful life. The #opportunities are #endless; the choices are lined up in front of us in a #never-ending processesion. Much energy is spend "out there" and not enough "in here". We are bending over backwards rushing to find out how, with who, where to be and where to go... We are like teenagers, not settled, but ever on the move towards something else. And such is #modern society: changing, demanding and ...

A beginner

I have been a #teacher for quite some years now. But as a yoga teacher I am a #beginner - and I #love it. I see and f#eel so many things. Things that I #recall from my first teaching days. This is wonderful as it reconnects me to my #profession yet again. Other things are completely #new to me. Like: how #amazing the human #body really is. How #different bodies are from eachother. How a body and a mind can be both very #strong and very tired at the same time. How focus and #dristi can change everything. Observations from my yoga practice spill over in my every day life. And the other way around. Making a #bind between the two, connecting them. Some days in #moderation, other days in #abundance. It is all good. Yoga is there for me. You should try it!

Utopia meets real world

Knock-knock!! Who's there...?! I'm back - in the #real world. Where there are lots of cars and assignments and noices and #responsibilities towards others and grown up things and bills to pay and #technical matters to work out. In the real world I also see a lot of #love and #acknowledgement and #respect and #hopes for the now and for the future. How do you perserve #utopia in all of this?  It is like the question: Do you meditate to find peace or do you find peace to meditate? It is a balance between what I can create right now. A #creation that must have in it as much of utopia as possible.  So I try to plan classes with as much space and acknowledgement for the individual as possible. With love and tapas/discipline. With #purity and intentions. Already, it has become a new #door in my work. When I open this door, I wish for utopia to meet up with the real world - if only for a second or two.  Knock-knock - who's there...?

Golden footprints

It is over, and yet it has just #begun. I am now a certified #yoga #teacher. I am proud. I am happy. And I am headed #home - in more sence than one.  This #yttc has truely been an #adventure. I have learned so much, and not just about yoga. I have laughed and cried. I have stretched, contracted and flexed my #body - and my #mind. My #soul has been touched by #beautiful, #insightful people. I will never forget them. Some have placed #golden #footprints in my heart. I am truely blessed to have had these women around me. Now, I #travel #home. This, too, is an adventure. Because it all starts now. My #life with yoga, my life with new #ideas and #hopes. My life with my wonderful hubbie and boys, whom I have #missed terribly.  I #wish for golden paths for all my fellow #yoginis - #love you all!! Never have so many #strangers supported each other in such a beautiful way. Namaste!

Willpower, faith and acceptance

My body and my mind are learning to speak yoga. This week in yoga #ttc has been about #ashtanga yoga and yoga #philosophy. Two #hardcore disciplines demanding my full #attention and #presence. I have been #worked out. I have broken #sweat in pools on my #mat, and my #mind has bend and stretched around the conception of #karma, #chakras and so much more. It is an entirely new language. I’m learning to speak yoga.  My body and mind was #drained from #energy the first couple of days practicing ashtanga. I just didn't get it and I felt that I couldn't do it. It was a #drill; counting and doing the exact same #asanas in the exact same order...  But then -  suddenly -  my body understood something. I felt #strong and I #accepted that I haven't nailed the #chaturanga - yet! It has to do with a balance between different forces. Willpower, faith in my body and acceptance of the present state. Easy said, right...? I am so busy looking ahead, planning, managin...

Silent voices in my head

I am in Bali, #studying. Yoga #teacher training. It has been a long journey, and in a way it has only just begun. Many preparations, many hopes and fears, much talking, any thoughts and many, many words. From today onwards we are to be quiet from we get up until 9 am. This means morning, morning practice and breakfast in #silence. Now, people who know we are already laughing their heads of. Tine - not talking?! Yeah, well ... it can be done. I chose to sit alone during breakfast, only to retreat to the pool with my coffee (I know...sounds so hard). And I enjoyed it. Not using words forced me to just be, and feel and #sence and listen and taste and be - here. I observe that people around me are much camler and seem peaceful. Imagine the whole resort, the whole town, the whole region, the whole country in silence for an hour. Where would all that #talking-energy go? What could we do with it? Hmmm...