Willpower, faith and acceptance

My body and my mind are learning to speak yoga.
This week in yoga #ttc has been about #ashtanga yoga and yoga #philosophy. Two #hardcore disciplines demanding my full #attention and #presence. I have been #worked out. I have broken #sweat in pools on my #mat, and my #mind has bend and stretched around the conception of #karma, #chakras and so much more.
It is an entirely new language. I’m learning to speak yoga. 

My body and mind was #drained from #energy the first couple of days practicing ashtanga. I just didn't get it and I felt that I couldn't do it. It was a #drill; counting and doing the exact same #asanas in the exact same order... 
But then -  suddenly -  my body understood something. I felt #strong and I #accepted that I haven't nailed the #chaturanga - yet! It has to do with a balance between different forces. Willpower, faith in my body and acceptance of the present state. Easy said, right...? I am so busy looking ahead, planning, managing, developing and being "out there", that I tend to forget about what is now. 
I don’t think I will ever be #fluent in ashtanga. But I have a beginner’s #vocabulary now. And it speaks to me about willpower, faith and acceptance. 


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