Bending over backwards
"Have anything changed for you since your yoga teacher's training?", a colleauge asked #yesterday. Ehem, well, yes! But still the question was #difficult to #answer. It is not as much "what" has changes, but "how" things have changed. How I have changed. I am not sure if people around me #feel changes in me - apart from the fact that I talk #yoga every change I get. My #relation to (some) things has altered. My relation to who I am has become a more #peaceful one. I have found out that I have #bountiful life. We have a bountiful life. The #opportunities are #endless; the choices are lined up in front of us in a #never-ending processesion. Much energy is spend "out there" and not enough "in here". We are bending over backwards rushing to find out how, with who, where to be and where to go... We are like teenagers, not settled, but ever on the move towards something else. And such is #modern society: changing, demanding and ...